one: the number of blog posts I have & the amount of weeks I have to get my sh*t together before my next trip
alright so I’ll admit I just spent the past 15 mins combing through articles of “How to Start a Blog,” or, “How to Write an Awesome Blog Post in 5 Steps,” or well, something along those lines. what I gathered from it, besides the ptsd of high school slowly creeping up on me as I am feeling like I’m writing an english paper for Mrs. Sullivan all over again, is that every blog is different… & there truly is no right or wrong way. every “blogger” has a different style of writing for the vast amount of topics.
therefore, I am going to address this first & foremost… this blog will probably be quirky, from my lack of proper grammar, to my love for lowercase letters, longgg run on sentences, ampersands & ellipsis… yet, it will be full full of stories, travel tips, maybe even some motivational stuff (depends on who’s reading this), & of course - it will be 100% me. oh & I might throw in some behind the scenes pics & poetry/writing pieces if I remember to.
but, back to the actual blog -
hi, my name is Sydney, Syd for short, & I am a officially a week away from embarking on my first solo cross country road trip (in the US). I have been independently traveling for a little over a year now; as my first major trip was across seas last May 2018 when I flew out of JFK to meet up with 7 other photographers from Mass. (who flew out of BOS) into Kiev, Ukraine. I had just turned 19 a few months prior & the confidence of successfully navigating to meet up with this group of people I had never really met (I knew 2 of the 7), in a country where most people are shocked a young american girl would ever travel to, was the start of my love for traveling. since that trip, I have put myself in every position to travel by myself, with friends, or even with people I hardly know, to see places we have never been. now yes, I understand that bit about the “traveling with people I hardly know” sounds a bit bizarre as “stranger danger” is a thing, which includes murders/kidnappers that every person over the age of 40 has warned me about… but I truly have been blessed with this adventurous, trusting, yet cautious mindset. since last May I have been to TONS of amazing places, have met SO MANY incredible people… plus, I have learned A LOT about myself too! I honestly cannot express enough how much my life has changed since discovering my love for traveling… it has been the funnest (yes, we are pretending thats a word, which it honestly should be by now), most thrilling & sometimes terrifying, but truly incredible ride; & next week I will start the next chapter of my story/journey/whatever other cliché metaphor you can think of… Google told me to include cliché things in my blog (:
I honestly can’t wait.
so with that, I am sending this off to my father who will probably be my righthand man when it comes to reviewing each post & making sure my ADHD brain didn’t lose half the story I was ranting about… or Becca, my best friend who loves to tease me for my “unprofessional” writing (((,:
I am genuinely excited to start sharing my stories as not many people have truly heard about the past year and a 1/2 of me working my as off to afford the trips I go on… just return home, broke BROKE *my version of saying I just barely have enough money to pay my bills - granted I hopefully don’t book trips on the days they are due, but it happens. + one round of groceries, usually ramen, mac & cheese or pasta, before my 1st paycheck after I return from traveling deposits* & drag myself back to my boring full time desk job to spin in my spinny chair during my lunch breaks & start to plan out what trip is next.