tbh every single time i am asked when am i going to post more stuff from, well the past 6-7 months of my life... i mentally curl up into a ball & just want to scream.
i am now starting to understand why some artist isolate themselves when working on projects. musicians, painters, sculptures or method actors alike, I f*cking get it. not only have i reintroduced zodiac signs back into my life again this year (im an aquarius - makes perfect sense of why i love solo journeys just as much as ones with friends or partners), but i also have reintroduced self love & peace of mind that has been lost for quite some time now. Within this past half year, i found myself in ways i wanted to describe in a 3 min short film, which I wanteddd to put out before the end of the year… buttt yanno here we are - lying on my bed listening to music that helped me through my year of “self discovery.”
I hate the cliché of the word, but that is really what happened this year. I rediscovered myself. Who I am, what im capable of & where I want to go. With all the lessons learned, relationships made, happiness manifested & inner peace found... i really haven’t found a reason to share my work rn other than people asking about it at least twice a week. Honestly, its been rough being back at my family’s company when all of our customers knew I went away & are also waiting for my pictures. So to say here, publicly on instagram is one thing, but to explain to people who support your work & look forward to hearing stories about it is just a next level of pressure.
If I had the attention span to teach myself videography & editing, I would have made a youtube to at least show you parts of my journey & shared bits of how much I have learned about humanity through traveling & talking with anyone & everyone. Id explain my goals i set after chernobyl 2018. It was because of i my first wave of genuine confusion & sadness (post my first adventure + coming home to a 7:30am-4:30pm m-f job) that really drove me to set goals for my next adventures. It was may 2018 that I found my passion to live & see the world; to meet people & learn their cultures; it was the passion of finding the humanity I found in kyiv, Ukraine. A capital of a country you’d never expect a white female American in, but with the question from @debraann4 the other night at dinner - what have been my top 3 places I have visited… kyiv was one of them. i have so much to say about those 3 nights exploring the city… sometimes alone, as I took nightly trips at very odd hours to 24hr mcdonalds that was a few blocks away from our hotel. It was there that I found myself drawn to the commonality of a fast food chain that I know & love.
It was a different kind of realization, but it was one that pulled at me enough to go back for the experience every night. To know absolutely no one, to be so out of your comfort zone that you actually find exactly what you’re so far from. The polar opposites of two countries, two cultures, hell two languages that made it even more of a fun challenge… finding the natural ground of mcdonalds & eating my favorite comfort food while passing my iPhone back & forth to the Ukraine kids behind me in line who asked where I was from. Talking through google translate with different people, pulling up a map & showing them where im from. Them doing the same. There was something so pure in it that i think no matter how quick my time was in kyiv, as we did day trips & only really had an afternoon & 3 nights there… but during that time, I found my passion to travel & experience the connection between strangers from anywhere & everywhere.
my passion turned to goals, which turned to plans, which I made happen.
Despite the odds & all the bumps in the road to accomplish them… I can proudly say 2019 was even more successful than I expected it to be. From starting to work on my plans last fall with financing my beautiful baby Olivia, a 2016 “martini olive green” Nissan rouge, in sept 2018 specifically for a road trip I wanted to take with friends summer 2019; then, booking a flight a week before visiting @carolinamartina_ & her family in Toronto dec 2018 when they were in visiting from Italy; to making loose plans (a goal) to visit them at their home during the summer of 2019 as well… I didn’t know if I could pull it off, but I did.
i could say so much more & have shared my story with certain individuals here & there… but honestly, I have loved creating my own journey. & thats what I think I want it to be for now, my personal journey & pictures until im in the mood to edit them.
Im spending these last few weeks of this amazing year with some amazing people that I am blessed to have in my life. Its going to be an incredible time having those I love back home from college… but it is also going to be a sad last Christmas break with them as this time next year I will already be settled in italy, living as an art student, or an american girl working to travel around Europe, im not quite sure yet… but 2020 is going to be my year to make more permanent changes that will affect the next few years of my young adult life. 21 is right around the corner in February & it is the perfect age to change it up a bit & see where else this life journey will take me.
So I will drop my dozen or so pictures I have already edited - but I will not be editing any more this year & not until I have a cushion of savings in the bank & im financially on the right track to move over to Europe next summer where im not planning to come back for quite some time (: so take this high af rant as you will, (& surprise to all of you who didn’t know I am moving), but the point im trying to get across is that you truly can do anything you set your mind to. I didn’t believe it for years. Years & years. but anything can happen.
also marijuana should be legalized because the west coast changed my life.
The end.