in the great green room there was a...
in the great green room there was a...
doctor's orders
doctor's orders
pretty paint in a patient room
pretty paint in a patient room
arches of past learning
arches of past learning
dress me up just to strip me down
dress me up just to strip me down
checkered laughs & dark pasts
checkered laughs & dark pasts
simply still
simply still
abandoned 1960's theater pt.2
abandoned 1960's theater pt.2
abandoned 1920's theater
abandoned 1920's theater
abandoned 1960's theater
abandoned 1960's theater
circle church
circle church
the yin-yang  angel
the yin-yang angel
it's fun to stay at the YMCA
it's fun to stay at the YMCA
the uninvited
the uninvited
shock me with an electric feel
shock me with an electric feel
shed light on disorders
shed light on disorders
don't be deceived by the light behind the door
don't be deceived by the light behind the door
colors of cars pt.1
colors of cars pt.1
colors of cars pt.2
colors of cars pt.2
in the great green room there was a...
in the great green room there was a...taken in the first “homeopathic” hospital established in New EnglandMassachussets, USA
doctor's orders
doctor's orderstaken in the first “homeopathic” hospital established in New EnglandMassachussets, USA
pretty paint in a patient room
pretty paint in a patient roomtaken in the first “homeopathic” hospital established in New EnglandMassachussets, USA
arches of past learning
arches of past learningtaken in a library on ground of an abandoned psychiatric hospitalConnecticut, USA
dress me up just to strip me down
dress me up just to strip me downtaken in an abandoned psychiatric centerLong Island NY, USA
checkered laughs & dark pasts
checkered laughs & dark paststaken in an abandoned hospital Connecticut, USA
simply still
simply stilltaken in an abandoned house Connecticut, USA
abandoned 1960's theater pt.2
abandoned 1960's theater pt.2
abandoned 1920's theater
abandoned 1920's theater
abandoned 1960's theater
abandoned 1960's theater
circle church
circle churchabandoned in 2008, this church is known for it’s colorful layout & symmetrical circles
the yin-yang  angel
the yin-yang angeltaken in an abandoned churchConnecticut, USA
it's fun to stay at the YMCA
it's fun to stay at the YMCAtaken in an abandoned YMCA buildingConnecticut, USA
the uninvited
the uninvited taken in an abandoned hospital Connecticut, USA
shock me with an electric feel
shock me with an electric feeltaken in a hallway of abandoned hospital,Upstate New York, USA
shed light on disorders
shed light on disorders taken in an abandoned hospitalMassachusetts, USA
don't be deceived by the light behind the door
don't be deceived by the light behind the doortaken in a “training school for the feeble minded”Connecticut, USA
colors of cars pt.1
colors of cars pt.1taken at an abandoned Volkswagen Beetle GraveyardPennsylvania, USA
colors of cars pt.2
colors of cars pt.2taken at an abandoned Volkswagen Beetle graveyardPennsylvania, USA
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